Going on a Hiatus
Not an official hiatus, just a sorta hiatus. I'm going to post-pone putting up the Monday Moods for a little while as I gather up more ideas.
Never fear, I'll add some more eventually, but I'm working on another project at the moment, so being able to go outside to find inspiration has been diminished. As the items develop, I'll be sure to let you know.
On a side note, I'm currently working on projects to connect handwoven items with store-bought fabric. Not certain if it will be entirely handmade (i.e. cutting out the pieces and the like) or up-cycling other items found at thrift stores. We'll see; it should prove interesting.
Never fear, I'll add some more eventually, but I'm working on another project at the moment, so being able to go outside to find inspiration has been diminished. As the items develop, I'll be sure to let you know.
On a side note, I'm currently working on projects to connect handwoven items with store-bought fabric. Not certain if it will be entirely handmade (i.e. cutting out the pieces and the like) or up-cycling other items found at thrift stores. We'll see; it should prove interesting.
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