Been awhile
It's been a crazy little while focusing on writing books, but I've been able to have some time to weave. Currently, focusing on producing lengths of material, primarily for scarves. Over the past year, I purchased a bunch of cones of yarn, and while I used most of them, I have some half-filled cones of yarn. To that end, I've been working through the yarn to see what I can create. It's proved interesting seeing how I can use the yarn. Unfortunately, it seems when I finish the warp, I need more yarn for the weft. Such is the problem with weaving. Also, I'm working on creating cotton warp with chenille weft projects. It'll be interesting to see if I can use the cotton/chenille material for clothes. On a side note, the book I'm currently working on has a main character who is a weaver. Some of the items I'll be focusing on over the next few months is creating items connected to the book.