Most people, when they consider art, very rarely consider science. For most people, indeed, the two fields of Arts and Sciences are on opposite sides of the spectrum. They are as equally opposite as reason and emotion are. Art is emotional, not logical; science is logical, not emotional. I happen to come from a family balanced in art and science, much to my chagrin in school. I tended towards literature, history and, of course, art. I did well in my science classes, and okay in math, but I struggled the older I grew because the math became more difficult. Oddly enough, I still enjoyed science and math, I just didn't understand it. Only until recently, did I realize part of my trouble with my math and science classes was the application of it - I didn't understand the why, so I couldn't memorize the equations. Halloween Fibonacci Scarf Art owes a great deal to science, even as science owes a great deal to art. There are stories of serendipity from science even as ...